Garden Insect Library

Let's face it - there isn't a gardener or farmer who hasn't come across one of these pests, while working in their organic garden. By finding out more about these insects and ways to control them, it is possible to grow healthy, abundant crops without using dangerous pesticides. Pesticides that are compliant for use in organic production and insect killer traps can keep your family and your garden healthy!


Although the life cycle of an aphid may only be as little as seven days, they can reproduce very quickly and thus infest and overtake a plant in a very short time. Eliminating these pests can be a challenge. Click below to find out how to take back control of your garden.

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These voracious eaters can be found in agricultural fields, golf courses, and homeowners' backyards, gorging themselves at night and spending their days hidden in plants or under plant debris.

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Asparagus Beetles

Two species of the Asparagus Beetle exist; the Common Asparagus Beetle & the Spotted Asparagus Beetle. Both species eat only asparagus and are destructive to young plantings in the Spring.

Learn about Asparagus Beetles»


Recognized by the cone-shaped bag housing the larvae and the female, these pests often go unnoticed until it's too late to save the shrub or coniferous tree. Save your plant by learning more about these pests.

Learn about Bagworms»

Cabbage Loopers

Named because it pulls itself into a loop and stretches out again to propel itself forward. In the adult stage, it is a moth that is nocturnal and can often be seen flying around outdoor lights.

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This pest digs into the heads of cabbage and other crucifers creating small but visible gaps and missing chunks. It is more destructive than the cabbage looper, taking bigger chunks out of the crucifers.

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Colorado Potato Beetles

After emerging from the soil in Spring, the adult beetle starts walking to look for food. If it cannot find any after a few days, it will take wing and fly until it finds food.

Learn about Colorado Potato Beetles»

Corn Earworms

The corn earworm, also known as the Tomato Fruitworm, is a major problem for farmers and gardeners. By feeding on their corn, tomatoes and cotton it's no wonder: A single female corn earworm can deposit 450 to 3,000 eggs in the silk of corn!

Learn about Corn Earworms»

Crane Flies

Adult crane flies resemble very big mosquitoes. European crane flies cause damage to lawns and greens, as well as fruits and vegetables, while our native crane fly rarely causes damage.

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Cucumber Beetle

The adult cucumber beetle overwinters under vegetation debris or thick grasses. In colder areas, the cucumber beetle migrates to the area from warmer regions. Larvae eat roots and plant stems.

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Cutworms are the laval or caterpillar stage of certain moths. Cutworms almost always hide under old crop debris, trash, grass clumps or any other form of protection.

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Diamondback Moth Larvae

The larvae of the Diamondback Moth will eat holes in the leaves of plants and eat parts of the plants' heads. Diamondback moths can be found throughout the United States.

Learn about Diamondback Moth Larvae»

Fungus Gnats

During their life span, fungus gnats carry plant disease from one host plant to another creating big problems for home gardeners and greenhouses.

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Grasshoppers travel to a variety of areas in search of food, so they can be difficult to control. Even if you get rid of the present population in your garden, others may follow in a short while.

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Gypsy Moths

This forest scourge is found throughout the eastern regions of the United States and Canada and has reached areas of the central U.S. as well. This larvae causes defoliation in many forests.

Learn about Gypsy Moths & Larvae»

Harlequin Bugs

Its favorite foods include members of the cabbage family and the mustard family, but in a pinch, this injurious pest will also feed on corn, tomatoes, squash, asparagus and beans.

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Japanese Beetles

First found in the United States in 1916, this insect has spread to almost all areas east of the Mississippi River. Ironically, this frustrating pest is not a problem in its native country, because in Japan this pest's natural predators keep it under control.

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Leafhoppers are found throughout the world, including North America. Because they drink the juices of fruit and vegetable plantings, they can cause a variety of symptoms and problems.

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Leafminers are the larvae of various insects including beetles, flies and moths. Although leafminers rarely kill or seriously injure a plant, it will give the plant an unpleasant appearance.

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Female mealybugs are wingless and stay in a nymph-like stage as adults. In contrast, the male mealybug has two wings and is very tiny, only living for a long enough time to reproduce. These pests are more common in warm, moist climates.

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Over 3000 species of psyllids inhabit our world, damaging and deforming plants. When they feed on plant juices, they often inject their saliva, which can be toxic to the plant. Knowing more about these pests is essential to eliminate them from your garden.

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Sawfly Larvae

When they hatch in the early part of spring, the larvae begin to feed ravenously on the needles of pine trees. These pests can be particularly devastating to forest areas.

Learn about Sawfly Larvae»

Scale Insects

Young female nymphs crawl around for a short period of time to feed. They then lose their legs and stay at one place, immobilized for the rest of their short lives. Males turn into fly-like insects.

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Sod Webworms

Sod webworm is a name given to several species of caterpillers that infest lawns, golf courses, parks, cemeteries and other places with turfgrass. Their destruction is most evident during mid-Summer.

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Spider Mites

Spider mites are actually arachnids since they have eight legs and most species spin small webs. Yet, they are very destructive to fruit and vegetable crops, shrubbery, ornamental plants and turfgrass.

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Squash Bugs

Squash bugs have a flat oval appearance. Found throughout North America, this pest feasts on squash and pumpkin plants, as well as other types of gourds. They infest an area in groups.

Learn about Squash Bugs»

Tent Caterpillars

Preferring hardwood deciduous trees and shrubs, these destructive pests can be found in the U.S. and Canada. Their larvae cause the most damage. If the infestation is a large one, trees may end up being defoliated.

Learn about Tent Caterpillars»


After the eggs hatch, the nymphs eat steadily until they start to molt into adults. While the frenzied feeding only lasts three weeks, in two more weeks they lay eggs, continuing the cycle! Eliminating these pests from your garden is essential to maintain the overall health of your garden.

Learn about Thrips»

Tomato Hornworms

The tomato hornworm caterpillar is green, 4-1/2 inches long and has a spike on its tail, hence its name. In the larval stage, its only destructive stage, it feeds on leaves, fruit and stems of plants.

Learn about Tomato Hornworms»

White Grubs

White grubs are the larval stage of many insects including June Bug, European Chafer, Masked Chafer, Billbug, Oriental Beetle, and Japanese Beetle. They eat the roots of grass and plants.

Learn about White Grubs»


Whiteflies can be a problem for greenhouses as well as home gardeners. Adults can be found on the undersides of leaves in large gatherings. These pests can spread viral diseases to other plants.

Learn about Whiteflies»


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