Since the dawn of the organic movement, manufacturers have been eager to earn the respect of the backyard gardeners seeking natural solutions. The problem is that claiming your product is organic is a lot easier than actually making it so.
In fact, one of the early problems for organic consumers was that there was no firm, legal definition of what “organic” even meant. Does “organic” mean the same as “natural” and how far back does one need to track a product to certify it as organic or natural? These are complex questions that ultimately were answered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). These key definitions ended up being somewhat stuffy, so we boiled them down for you:
- What is Organic? According to the USDA, a product can be called organic if it was developed in an environmentally-friendly manner. Further, organic products can’t be produced using synthetic fertilizers, sewage, irradiation and genetic engineering.
- What is Natural? The USDA explains that only meat, poultry and eggs can be called ‘Natural,’ and that label is only to be applied to those products that have no artificial ingredients and have been minimally processed. As a further clarification, a ‘natural’ label has nothing to do with the methods in which the meat, poultry or eggs were produced.
With those definitions settled, there was still one lingering problem: What about the products used to develop these organic and natural foods? Who monitors those and how can a consumer trust that a food labeled organic wasn’t treated with a synthetic insecticide or other treatment that might alter its nutrition levels?
With that in mind, the USDA recruited the Organic Materials Review Institute, best known as OMRI. The USDA has OMRI to focus on the input products used in food production – fertilizers, pesticides, livestock health care products and a number of other products. OMRI works to ensure that all the substances used in organic production meet rigorous, federally set standards.
The input products that meet those standards are then added to OMRI’s list of products approved for use in organic production and can display the OMRI Listed® logo on their packaging.
Safer® Brand’s Priority: OMRI Listed® Products for Organic Gardeners
Since its founding, Safer® Brand has put its focus on creating products that help organic producers. As a result, Safer® Brand now offers more than 30 products that have earned the coveted OMRI Listed® seal.
These products have been certified by OMRI after going through a rigorous review process. By meeting OMRI’s strict standards, you can be assured that these Safer® Brand products will meet yours, too. This suite of gardening products is one of the largest selections of consumer-level OMRI® Listed products available from one manufacturer. Among these OMRI Listed® products are:
- 3-in-1 Garden Spray – Fight plant destroying fungi, diseases and insects with one ready-to-use spray. This triple action product uses potassium salts of fatty acids and sulfur.
- Garden Fungicide – This fungicide controls black spot, rust and powdery mildew on your roses, flowers, foliage plants, ornamentals, beans, peas, strawberries and many other plants.
- End ALL – This powerful spray treatment features three active ingredients – neem oil, pyrethrins and potassium salts of fatty acids– to target dozens of insect species at one time.
- Tomato & Vegetable – This insect-killing spray protects your favorite garden plants. Pyrethrin and potassium salts of fatty acids are the key ingredients in this treatment.
- Insect Killing Soap with Seaweed Extract – Battle the insects raiding your garden and flower beds with this ready-to-use insecticidal soap. You can use this product up to the day of harvest.
- Insect Killing Soap Concentrate – Offered in concentrate form, this product helps you make up to six gallons of insect-killing soap. These soaps use potassium salts of fatty acids to attack insect exoskeletons.
Of course, you’ll notice a distinct lack of OMRI Listed® products from most other manufacturers that focus on gardening. This is because they simply cannot meet the standards to create products for use in organic production. Instead, they offer just one or two products to cater to the organic gardeners among their customer base. This limited product selection may or may not provide the pest control solutions that you desperately need. For that, you need Safer® Brand!
Keep Watching Safer® Brand
As a staple in organic gardening, continue to look to Safer® Brand for more OMRI Listed® options for your organic needs. We promise you that we’re here to stay.
The same can’t be said for so many other manufacturers. New players enter the organic market every day, but few have the resolve or knowledge to stay around. Where they are only testing the market, Safer® Brand has provided American-made gardening sprays for organic production for over 30 years. We’re firmly rooted in the organic lifestyle.
Want to Know More About Safer® Brand?
Find out more about Safer® Brand by joining the Safer® Brand Community on Facebook, where you can reach out to us whenever you have a question. You can also contact us online or by calling our consumer service team at 855-7-ORGANIC.
Another great resource is our E-Newsletter, where you can learn about our newest products, explore new articles on organic living and get great deals on our OMRI Listed® gardening supplies.