
What's the Problem?
When you see plants wilting, yellowing, or dropping dead, do you know whether the cause is an insect pest, plant disease, or nutritional deficiency, and how to treat it? These questions will challenge your knowledge and guide you to solutions.
Question: Pest, disease, or deficiency?
Diagnosis: Pest. Spider mites suck plant sap, leaving behind many tiny pale spots on the leaves. Look for fine webbing below or between leaves to confirm the presence of the tiny pests. Remedy: Safer® Brand EndALL™ Insect Killer eliminates spider mites at all stages, from egg to adult. Shop Now »
Question: Pest, disease, or deficiency?
Diagnosis: Pest. Spider mites suck plant sap, leaving behind many tiny pale spots on the leaves. Look for fine webbing below or between leaves to confirm the presence of the tiny pests. Remedy: Safer® Brand EndALL™ Insect Killer eliminates spider mites at all stages, from egg to adult. Shop Now »
Question: Pest, disease, or deficiency?
Diagnosis: Pest. Both adult and nymph squash bugs suck plant sap, causing wilt and eventually blackening. You’ll find their yellow or brown eggs on the undersides of leaves. Remedy: Safer® Brand Tomato and Vegetable Insect Killer contains soap—to weaken the pests’ protective outer shell—and pyrethrin, which paralyzes them. Shop Now »
Question: Pest, disease, or deficiency?
Diagnosis: Deficiency. Both peppers and tomatoes suffer blossom end rot when the soil is deficient in calcium, which can occur even when a soil test reports adequate levels of calcium. Remedy: High nitrogen levels in the soil or a high pH can interfere with plants’ ability to absorb calcium. Apply only fertilizers, which do not contain excessive amounts of nitrogen or raise the soil pH, two common factors in using synthetic fertilizers.
Question: Pest, disease, or deficiency?
Diagnosis: Disease. Rust is caused by spores that are carried by wind and other natural forces from trees and shrubs to garden plants. It is most common in damp climates. Remedy: Safer® Brand Garden Fungicide contains sulfur, which prevents rust and other fungi from growing on your crops. Shop Now »
Question: Pest, disease, or deficiency?
Diagnosis: Pest. Thrips are tiny, yellow to brown insects that thrive in hot, dry weather. They suck plant juices and leave behind silver streaks on many different crops, including lettuce, cabbage, and peas. Remedy: Safer® Brand Garden Defense® Insecticide and Repellent suffocates thrips and other soft-bodied pests, but has no residual effect on the environment. Shop Now »
Question: Pest, disease, or deficiency?
Diagnosis: Deficiency. Potassium is a critical nutrient for flowering, and when there’s not enough in the soil, broccoli heads do not form properly. Remedy: Treat broccoli plants with kelp spray to provide a quick dose of potassium. Blend greensand, an organic source of potash, into the soil before planting.