If you are like the organic gardeners at Safer® Brand, you are spending the Winter months planning your 2012 garden and reading articles and books on organic gardening practices, in order to boost your knowledge prior to the season.
Late in 2011, the Rodale Institute released their 30 year side-by-side farming study, comparing organic farming systems against conventional farming systems. This report not only confirms all of the thoughts and outcries felt by organic gardeners like yourself, but can provide you with the facts you need to convince a friend or family member to grow organically in 2012.
Here are the 7 facts that prove organic farms outperform convention farms. To read the entire study, click here.
1. Organic plants are more resistant to drought conditions – The study shown organic corn yields were 31% higher then conventional yields in years of drought.
2. Those “Organic won’t feed the world” claims are incorrect!– The Rodale Institute found that after a 3 year transition period, organic yields were equal to conventional yields year over year.
3. Organic farms = $$ – Results of the study show that the average net return per acre of an organic farm is $558/year, compared to just $190/year for conventional farms.
4. Healthy Soil = Healthy Plants – As most organic gardeners know, synthetic pesticides and fertilizers damage the health of your soil by stripping them of nutrients and eliminating beneficial insects and organisms. This study proves our thoughts by showing organic farming practices improve moisture retention and in turn, produce healthier soil.
5. Organic uses less pesticides – Another common fact of organic gardening is that organic gardening/farming requires fewer pesticides. Since pests are becoming increasingly resistant to synthetic chemicals, conventional farmers are spraying heavier doses of chemicals in order to have the same affect. Organic pesticides work WITH nature to eliminate the pests, not damage the soil or harm beneficial organisms.
6. Organic uses less energy – The study shows that organic farming used 45% less energy then conventional systems, thus providing 28% higher production efficiency.
7. Organic produces less GHG’s – The study shows that conventional farming systems emit almost 40% MORE greenhouse gases per pound of crop production, then organic farming systems.
We feel these are some staggering claims, proven by the study. We invite you to read the remainder of the study and learn why organic gardening and organic farming is able to feed the world! For more on our technology and our products, click here.